Zanoise Talent

Artists benefiting from streaming agreement (à la française)

Feb 10, 2023

A growing number of neighbouring rights collectives (most notably the artists-only-ones!) have been very successful in lobbying for a separate right for artists to receive streaming royalties directly. In 2022 we started our series on where individual countries stand when it comes to artists’ individual remuneration for streaming. This week, we are highlighting la douce France, the motherland of author’s rights.

The French IP law does not provide for a mandatory remuneration for artists in case of streaming on demand, but mid 2022 a long fought agreement was reached between the CMOs @Adami, @Spedidam, @SCPP, @SPPF and the unions (a negotiation on this would be inconceivable without the them). Most notably,  featured artists receive certain minimum percentages/fees from their record label as well as an increased royalty rate in case of success. Although contracted featured artists seem to be the main winners, other artists like session musicians will also benefit from the agreement. The remuneration for streaming due to them will be administered by the French CMOs. For further details, please see the French explanation: In case your French is a bit rusty, the article can be copied and pasted into Google Translate.
